After watching the debates last night, I am beginning to wonder if there is a difference between John McCain and Barack Obama, other than the obvious 20+ year age gap.
I live in Michigan. John McCain has pulled campaign staff and funds from this state. See excerpt from NY Times blog below:
October 2, 2008, 2:30 pm — Updated: 5:15 pm -->
McCain Pulls Out of Michigan
By Adam Nagourney
John McCain’s decision to cancel a campaign event in Michigan next week was not a matter of scheduling: Mr. McCain is giving up his effort to take the state back into the red column, concluding that economic distress there has simply put the state out of reach, according to Republicans familiar with the decision.
Michigan had been one of Mr. McCain’s top targets for two reasons: evidence that Barack Obama was having trouble connecting with blue-collar voters (which presumably would be a problem there), and also because the Democratic candidates did not participate in the state’s primary after Michigan defied Democratic party rules and held it earlier than permitted.
Republican officials said that polling suggested that Mr. Obama was building a lead there, and said they concluded that it wasn’t worth spending any more campaign funds – or Mr. McCain’s time – in the state.
McCain Pulls Out of Michigan
By Adam Nagourney
John McCain’s decision to cancel a campaign event in Michigan next week was not a matter of scheduling: Mr. McCain is giving up his effort to take the state back into the red column, concluding that economic distress there has simply put the state out of reach, according to Republicans familiar with the decision.
Michigan had been one of Mr. McCain’s top targets for two reasons: evidence that Barack Obama was having trouble connecting with blue-collar voters (which presumably would be a problem there), and also because the Democratic candidates did not participate in the state’s primary after Michigan defied Democratic party rules and held it earlier than permitted.
Republican officials said that polling suggested that Mr. Obama was building a lead there, and said they concluded that it wasn’t worth spending any more campaign funds – or Mr. McCain’s time – in the state.
So, imagine my surprise this morning, when I received THIS via email:
Dear Friend,

The RNC Victory 2008 emergency voter registration and get-out-the-vote effort needs your immediate support.
With four weeks until Election Day, I’m counting on our Party’s top supporters like you to help fund these vital programs.
Your generous secure online contribution of $2,000, $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or $35 today will go a long way to helping RNC Victory 2008 reach our $50 million goal for October and ensuring our Party has the resources to reach, register and motivate voters who agree with our reform agenda.
The last two presidential elections have proven voter turnout is the key to Republican victories. In 2004, John Kerry would have won the election had he received 127,014 more votes in New Mexico, Nevada and Colorado -- three states that will have many closely contested races again this fall. And the 2000 presidential election was decided by a mere 537 votes.
I have never donated to the RNC, so how they refer to me as a top supporter of the Party is laughable. Am I wrong to feel just a little bit insulted by this?