Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Choosy Mom's Choose Jif

Johan asked me this morning why I buy Jif peanut butter, and off the top of my head I replied, "Because choosy mom's choose Jif." It's amazing how a jingle or ad slogan can stay with you throughout life. I probably haven't seen or heard a Jif commercial in over 10 years. "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't."

On a different note, I think my Spin class was a dud this morning. I took an idea off of but I learned that what works for some instructors can be a total disaster for others.


Anonymous said...

I love the JIF picture! That's what it looked like when I was a kid.


BoxcatAV said...

Choosy Mom's DO choose Jif. Bad mom's choose Skippy. Horrible mom's choose Peter Pan. :)

glad you're back to bloggin!

PS - your spin classes are never a dud! Never!